Monday 4 December 2017

P.E game invention.

By Sofia V, Sofia , Hannah, Giselle  
  • Cones
  • 10x small balls.

  • There should be 3 teams of approximately 10 people each.
  • Each team should involed about 5 girls and 5 boys.



There are 3 teams of around 10 people. 2 teams are attackers and 1 team is a defence team. Each attacker team has a small ball on their side of the field.  If an attacker team gets to the opposite small ball of the other attacker team they win. If an attacker gets tagged by a defender the attacker becomes a defender and the defender becomes an attacker.  

Pick A Path Writing Task!

Inquiry Project!

Maths Flatting Assiment

Novel Study!

My Writing Narrative!

Sofia V                             Not Just an ordinary day.

In a small, compact Town in the Country lived three young, adventurous boys, Ted, Tim, and Tom. Tim was the oldest and Ted was the youngest.They lived in a small, ancient cottage that was nearly falling to pieces.  They lived with their Father who chopped wood for the family in the woods nearby and their hard working Mother who stayed at home to look after them.

One Day as normal the boys woke up at dawn to the sound of roosters. Cock-a-doodle-do. They sleepily and clumsily walked downstairs, to find their dad going off to work in the woods. Their mother commanded the boys to go down to the nearby pond and wash off while she would go to the market and get bread and butter for breakfast. “ We don’t want to,” they cried out.
“ No breakfast then” replied the Mother. They did what they were told.

“Come on I’ll race you to the pond,” said Tim.
Tom caught up with Tim. ‘’You two got a head start!” screeched Ted. The clear blue water was cold and refreshing. They started playing a nice game of water tag. All of a sudden a massive, scary taniwha jumped out at them. The taniwha was a rainbow colour, with sharp yellow scales all over. It had razor sharp teeth as white as a ghost.  They were so frightened that they rushed around, like chickens without heads.  They didn’t  know what to do,  they couldn't stop screaming.  

The high pitched scream was so loud that their Father heard them from in the woods. He listened for a minute, not really taking it in, then he realized it was his children screaming. He was now running as fast as he could. He saw what was going on and used the sharp, silver axe that he had been cutting wood with to scare the taniwha out of the pond, onto the brown dried up grass, passed the newly built bridge and into an ancient rotten broken barn. BAM, They slammed the door shut and locked it tight. From that day the Taniwha was never seen again. They all lived happily ever after.

By Sofia Vesty!!!

Thursday 21 September 2017

The Great Snail Race Game!!!

In room 20 we have been learning about probability. We decided to play a game to help us understand probability a bit better. The game is called the snail race.

The rules are:
You set up a board Like the ones we were playing with
And then everyone picks two numbers out of the hat the numbers shouldbe from 1-12. You  Take turns at rolling the two dice. Say I got a 4 and a 6.
Well 4 and 6=10 so the snail that is number ten move up once
place on the board You keep playing to 3 snails have crossed the finish line.
Then You record your answer.
We played two games are results were:
In the first Game
                 Number 7 won
                 Number 8 2nd
                 Number 3 3rd
In the Second Game:
                 Number 7 won
                 Number 5 2nd
                 Number 6 3rd

When we played we found that some numbers had disadvantages and some major advantages
Such as 1 was never going to be moved and 12 could only be moved if we got a 6 and a 6
Then there were numbers like 7 that won lot's because there are lots of ways to get seven like 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4. We found out that snail number 7 is the best number to get because it has a 6/36 chance of winning this is the higher chance out of all of the other snails take a look:
1) 0 chance
2) 1/36 chance
3) 2/36 chance
4) 3/36
5) 4/36
6) 5/36
7) 6/36!!!!!
8) 5/36
9) 4/36
10) 3/36
11) 2/36
12) 1/36
We found this out by using this table that shows us all the possible outcomes of rolling 2 die.